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About Us

Afyasmile Kenya is the leading health website in Kenya. Number one source of health information. We endeavor to support people who want better control over their healthy life. Through our editors, reporters and health experts, we provide reliable, accurate, informative, educative, human interest-based and real-time health information for you.

Our great reporting guidelines also enable our team to create fact-based stories by relying on expert sources.

At Afyasmile Kenya, we seek to empower our audiences with guidelines from trending health matters and social life events within and across the globe.

Health is wealth and on that note, we strive to provide quality health information that will help you make the best decision. Afyasmile Kenya covers all aspects of health – physical, social and mental. Challenges are unique based on your personality and what you are going through at the moment, as Kenya’s leading health website, our role is to listen closely and engage you wholeheartedly.

Whether you want to understand certain medical conditions, search for some healthy tips, enjoy reading attention-grabbing feature stories or want to add your life experience via writing you are at the right place.

To keep you abreast of the current health situation in the country and the globe, we have a news section, you are well covered there.

Afyasmilekenya.co.ke expects the writing team to follow strict writing and reporting guidelines to ensure accuracy and factual writing of stories on all the platforms. This aspect takes into account updating of articles to add new information.

From the time it has been unveiled, Afyasmile Kenya has been trustworthy and valued for being the best source of information on health in Kenya.

We also provide feature stories written in a fun and engaging way to our ever-growing readers. Going by our logo ‘Better Health is Our Business’, Afyasmile Kenya will grow with you forever.

Mission – Educating and informing the public in areas of human and social health.

Vision – To be the leading website in Kenya and the region in providing quality information in areas of human and social health.


Respect – Afyasmile respects the dignity of all persons in the coverage of its health stories and information through professionalism.

Excellence – Afyasmile strives to provide the best health information to our audience and acknowledge the fact that improvement is a continuous process.

Creativity – Afyasmile supports and encourages ingenuity, innovation, and resourcefulness as a way to collect and disseminate informative stories.

Integrity – Afyasmile fosters and encourages accountability, honesty, and transparency in the coverage of stories and information to meet the set ethical and professional standards.